cpuidpp 1.0.0
C++11 library for identifying CPU features
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cpuidpp.hpp File Reference

cpuidpp declarations. More...

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namespace  cpuidpp
 cpuidpp functions.


bool cpuidpp::acpi ()
 Indicates whether Onboard thermal control MSRs for ACPI is supported.
bool cpuidpp::adx ()
 Indicates whether Intel ADX (Multi-Precision Add-Carry Instruction Extensions) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::aes ()
 Indicates whether the AES instruction set is supported.
bool cpuidpp::apic ()
 Indicates whether Onboard Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller is supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx ()
 Indicates whether Advanced Vector Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx2 ()
 Indicates whether Advanced Vector Extensions 2 are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512_4fmaps ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Multiply Accumulation Single precision is supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512_4vnniw ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Neural Network instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512bw ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Byte and Word instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512cd ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Conflict Detection Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512dq ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Doubleword and Quadword Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512er ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Exponential and Reciprocal Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512f ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Foundation is supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512ifma ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Integer Fused Multiply-Add Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512pf ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Prefetch Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512vbmi ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Vector Bit Manipulation Instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512vl ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Vector Length Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::avx512vpopcntdq ()
 Indicates whether AVX-512 Vector Population Count D/Q are supported.
bool cpuidpp::bmi1 ()
 Indicates whether the Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 1 is supported.
bool cpuidpp::bmi2 ()
 Indicates whether the Bit Manipulation Instruction Set 2 is supported.
bool cpuidpp::clflushopt ()
 Indicates whether the CLFLUSHOPT instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::clfsh ()
 Indicates whether the CLFLUSH instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::clwb ()
 Indicates whether the CLWB instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::cmov ()
 Indicates whether the Conditional move and FCMOV instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::cnxt_id ()
 Indicates whether L1 Context ID is supported.
bool cpuidpp::cx16 ()
 Indicates whether the CMPXCHG16B instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::cx8 ()
 Indicates whether the CMPXCHG8 (compare-and-swap) instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::dbx ()
 Indicates whether Data breakpoint extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::dca ()
 Indicates whether Direct cache access for DMA writes is supported.
bool cpuidpp::de ()
 Indicates whether debugging extensions (CR4 bit 3) are supported.
bool cpuidpp::ds ()
 Indicates whether Debug store: save trace of executed jumps are supported.
bool cpuidpp::ds_cpl ()
 Indicates whether CPL qualified debug store is supported.
bool cpuidpp::dtes64 ()
 Indicates whether 64-bit debug store (edx bit 21) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::eist ()
 Indicates whether Enhanced SpeedStep is supported.
bool cpuidpp::erms ()
 Indicates whether Enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB is supported.
bool cpuidpp::extapic ()
 Indicates whether Extended APIC space is supported.
bool cpuidpp::f16c ()
 Indicates whether F16C (half-precision) FP is supported.
bool cpuidpp::fma ()
 Indicates whether Fused multiply-add (FMA3) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::fpu ()
 Indicates whether onboard x87 FPU is supported.
bool cpuidpp::fsgsbase ()
 Indicates whether access to base of fs and gs is supported.
bool cpuidpp::fxsr ()
 Indicates whether FXSAVE, FXRESTOR instructions, CR4 bit 9 are supported.
bool cpuidpp::fxsr_opt ()
 Indicates whether FXSAVE/FXRSTOR optimizations are supported.
bool cpuidpp::hle ()
 Indicates whether Transactional Synchronization Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::htt ()
 Indicates whether Hyper-threading is supported.
bool cpuidpp::hypervisor ()
 Indicates whether we are running on a hypervisor (always 0 on a real CPU, but also with some hypervisors).
bool cpuidpp::ia64 ()
 Indicates whether this is a IA64 processor emulating x86.
bool cpuidpp::intel_pt ()
 Indicates whether Intel Processor Trace is supported.
bool cpuidpp::invpcid ()
 Indicates whether the INVPCID instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::lm ()
 Indicates whether Long mode is active.
bool cpuidpp::mca ()
 Indicates whether the Machine Check Architecture is supported.
bool cpuidpp::mce ()
 Indicates whether Machine Check Exception is supported.
bool cpuidpp::mmx ()
 Indicates whether MMX instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::mmxext ()
 Indicates whether Extended MMX is supported.
const std::string & cpuidpp::model ()
 Returns the model of the CPU.
bool cpuidpp::monitor ()
 Indicates whether MONITOR and MWAIT instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::movbe ()
 Indicates whether the MOVBE instruction (big-endian) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::mp ()
 Indicates whether the system is multiprocessor capable.
bool cpuidpp::mpx ()
 Indicates whether Intel MPX (Memory Protection Extensions) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::msr ()
 Indicates whether Model-specific registers are supported.
bool cpuidpp::mtrr ()
 Indicates whether Memory Type Range Registers are supported.
bool cpuidpp::nx ()
 Indicates whether NX bit is supported.
bool cpuidpp::ospke ()
 Indicates whether PKU is enabled by OS.
bool cpuidpp::oxsave ()
 Indicates whether XSAVE is enabled by OS.
bool cpuidpp::pae ()
 Indicates whether Physical Address Extension is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pat ()
 Indicates whether the Page Attribute Table is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pbe ()
 Indicates whether Pending Break Enable (PBE# pin) wakeup is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pcid ()
 Indicates whether Process context identifiers (CR4 bit 17) are supported.
bool cpuidpp::pclmulqdq ()
 Indicates whether the PCLMULQDQ instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pcommit ()
 Indicates whether PCOMMIT instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pcx_l2i ()
 Indicates whether L2I perf counter extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::pdcm ()
 Indicates whether Perfmon and debug capability is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pdpe1gb ()
 Indicates whether Gibibyte pages are supported.
bool cpuidpp::perfctr_core ()
 Indicates whether Core performance counter extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::perfctr_nb ()
 Indicates whether NB performance counter extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::perftsc ()
 Indicates whether Performance TSC is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pge ()
 Indicates whether the Page Global Enable bit in CR4 is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pku ()
 Indicates whether Memory Protection Keys for User-mode pages is supported.
bool cpuidpp::popcnt ()
 Indicates whether the POPCNT instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pqe ()
 Indicates whether Platform Quality of Service Enforcement is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pqm ()
 Indicates whether Platform Quality of Service Monitoring is supported.
bool cpuidpp::prefetchwt1 ()
 Indicates whether the PREFETCHWT1 instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pse ()
 Indicates whether the Page Size Extension is supported.
bool cpuidpp::pse36 ()
 Indicates whether the 36-bit page size extension is supported.
bool cpuidpp::psn ()
 Indicates whether the Processor Serial Number is supported.
bool cpuidpp::rdpid ()
 Indicates whether Read Processor ID is supported.
bool cpuidpp::rdrnd ()
 Indicates whether the RDRAND (on-chip random number generator) instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::rdseed ()
 Indicates whether the RDSEED instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::rdtscp ()
 Indicates whether the RDTSCP instruction is supported.
bool cpuidpp::rtm ()
 Indicates whether Transactional Synchronization Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sdbg ()
 Indicates whether Silicon Debug interface is supported.
bool cpuidpp::sep ()
 Indicates whether the SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sgx ()
 Indicates whether Software Guard Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sgx_lc ()
 Indicates whether SGX Launch Configuration is supported.
bool cpuidpp::sha ()
 Indicates whether Intel SHA extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::smap ()
 Indicates whether Supervisor Mode Access Prevention is supported.
bool cpuidpp::smep ()
 Indicates whether Supervisor-Mode Execution Prevention is supported.
bool cpuidpp::smx ()
 Indicates whether Safer Mode Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::ss ()
 Indicates whether CPU cache supports self-snoop is supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse ()
 Indicates whether SSE instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse2 ()
 Indicates whether SSE2 instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse3 ()
 Indicates whether SSE3 instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse4_1 ()
 Indicates whether SSE4.1 instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse4_2 ()
 Indicates whether SSE4.2 instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::ssse3 ()
 Indicates whether SSSE3 instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::tm ()
 Indicates whether Thermal monitor automatically limits temperature is supported.
bool cpuidpp::tm2 ()
 Indicates whether Thermal Monitor 2 is supported.
bool cpuidpp::tsc ()
 Indicates whether the Time Stamp Counter is supported.
bool cpuidpp::tsc_deadline ()
 Indicates whether APIC supports one-shot operation using a TSC deadline value.
bool cpuidpp::umip ()
 Indicates whether User-mode Instruction Prevention is supported.
const std::string & cpuidpp::vendor ()
 Returns the vendor ID.
bool cpuidpp::vme ()
 Indicates whether virtual 8086 mode extensions (such as VIF, VIP, PIV) are supported.
bool cpuidpp::vmx ()
 Indicates whether Virtual Machine eXtensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::x2apic ()
 Indicates whether x2APIC is supported.
bool cpuidpp::xsave ()
 Indicates whether XSAVE, XRESTOR, XSETBV, XGETBV are supported.
bool cpuidpp::xtpr ()
 Indicates whether sending task priority messages can be disabled.
AMD feature flags

CPU features specific to AMD processors.

bool cpuidpp::abm ()
 Indicates whether Advanced bit manipulation (LZCNT and POPCNT) is supported.
bool cpuidpp::amd_3dnow ()
 Indicates whether 3DNow! is supported.
bool cpuidpp::amd_3dnowext ()
 Indicates whether Extended 3DNow! is supported.
bool cpuidpp::amd_3dnowprefetch ()
 Indicates whether the PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::cmp_legacy ()
 Indicates whether Hyperthreading is not valid.
bool cpuidpp::cr8_legacy ()
 Indicates whether CR8 in 32-bit mode is supported.
bool cpuidpp::fma4 ()
 Indicates whether 4 operands fused multiply-add is supported.
bool cpuidpp::ibs ()
 Indicates whether Instruction Based Sampling is supported.
bool cpuidpp::lahf_lm ()
 Indicates whether LAHF/SAHF in long mode is supported.
bool cpuidpp::lwp ()
 Indicates whether Light Weight Profiling is supported.
bool cpuidpp::misalignsse ()
 Indicates whether the Misaligned SSE mode is supported.
bool cpuidpp::nodeid_msr ()
 Indicates whether NodeID MSR is supported.
bool cpuidpp::osvw ()
 Indicates whether OS Visible Workaround is active.
bool cpuidpp::skinit ()
 Indicates whether SKINIT/STGI instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::sse4a ()
 Indicates whether SSE4a instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::svm ()
 Secure Virtual Machine.
bool cpuidpp::syscall ()
 Indicates whether SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::tbm ()
 Indicates whether Trailing Bit Manipulation is supported.
bool cpuidpp::tce ()
 Indicates whether Translation Cache Extension is supported.
bool cpuidpp::topoext ()
 Indicates whether Topology Extensions are supported.
bool cpuidpp::wdt ()
 Indicates whether the Watchdog timer is supported.
bool cpuidpp::xop ()
 Indicates whether XOP instruction set is supported.

Detailed Description

cpuidpp declarations.